The Do Over - Mulligan Day
When I was a radio host at WLRN in Miami, I used to reference special days on the air, whether it was Tolkien Reading Day (March 25) or Cheese Curd day (two days ago!) I just found out that October 17 is National Mulligan Day. In golf, according to Google, "a mulligan happens when a player gets a second chance to perform a specific move or action. The day offers an opportunity for giving yourself a second chance or, as some people call it, a “do-over.” "...Mulligans are for those with the determination to fight through the adversity of the mishaps of life.'
I've had many regrets over the years but with time (and therapy), I've grown to accept the 'mishaps' in my life, looking at them as learning opportunities instead of 'gee, what a way to screw up,' like I used to when I was younger.
'Mulligans are for those with the determination to fight through the adversity of the mishaps of life'
But just to dream a little bit, if I was magically gifted with a few extra do-overs, I'd reach out to my best friend Sara from high school. We were estranged at the time of her death over twenty years ago and I never got to tell her how much she meant to me. Another do-over would be to not allow Ernie, the first boy I kissed, to dump me twice. I would tell him to take off after the first time (this is a polite blog, after all). I might gain enough courage to speak my mind to people who bullied me when I was a kid as well as an adult.The list of mulligans could be endless.
What's your mulligan? What's your dream do-over?
Last month, a mulligan I never imagined came to me in the form of a job opportunity. The whole experience was an unexpected celebration. It made me wonder: do we have the power to create our own muligans by changing our attitude and forgiving events from the past?