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El Paraiso De Los Pandeyucas

Pre-Christmas treat

The definition of true happiness: Tuesday night you receive a Fedex package from your mother and sister, filled with two dozen lovingly handmade frozen pandeyucas, to be eaten on Christmas day via zoom with the rest of the family (La panaderia La Go Go en Ibague, Tolima tenia pandeyucas deliciosos). You immediately fire up the oven, and bake five of them at 375 degrees for 20 minutes. You open the oven door, take a deep breath and poof! they're gone. Two days later, you decide you cannot go another minute without eating just one more. You open the oven and discover you left one inside by accident: the fifth, lone pandeyuca, batting its little round body at you, daring you to take it. You stuff it in your mouth, chomp on it, and voilá! Your tummy is in paradise.

P.S. I could have sworn I counted five pandeyucas but the photographic evidence told another story 😉

PPS. Donde puedo comprar un pandeyuca del tamaño de la almohada?


Booking Requests

+1 (305) 582-3729

+1 305-532-9225

On Camera

+1 323-932-2500



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